Wednesday, August 15, 2012

India Turns 65

India turns 65.
Today’s the day. The Day Indians from all over the world update their status or tune into the news for the same reason; to commemorate the birth of their nation - India. The Day India turns 65.

India might be seen by the world for all its flaws and as a ‘developing and corrupt economy’, but to me its home. Though I haven’t had the opportunity of ever living in India and I’ve been branded as an NRI [Non Residential Indian] by the world, I still feel that sense of belonging and pride when I visit my country. I feel honored to be recognized as a citizen of one of the greatest countries in the world. I have always felt that the forte of India has always been its people. Excluding a few who have made a name for themselves otherwise, I believe majority of the Indian population are loving in nature; and it is that attitude which sets us apart from the rest of the world.

The culture one finds at India is unlike anything anyone will ever see anywhere else. With over 4500 years of culture to share with the world, India’s heritage is a prime factor which gives it the edge in my books.

It is with this attitude in mind, that I celebrate India’s 65th Birthday/Independence day and I celebrate it with grate honor and pride.

Until Next Time,

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